Bright City
I often feel at home
within the steel-sewn walls of a moving
vehicle. I watch the people on the bus, faces nonplussed,
travelling to places within the motored steeple they trust. And
it feels almost lyrical. The purring of the engine whirring through
this urban centre of something SPECTACULAR. And the seatbelt cradles
me, I’ve never felt so safe, you see. And even as a K.F.C. melts into the blurring
concrete night, my bright eyes meet the nurt’ring windows of the folks behind the
faces, crowded round the T.V. sharing jokes in their dimly lighted places. And! Bright City,
me, you embolden. In your eyes, I blossom golden. I’m wise upon your shoulder,
and more as I grow older. Even when the nights dull your blaze as the days show colder,
and the streetlights meet fights from kids who’ve forgotten how to glow bright
in the eyes of their beholder. You’re the world, Bright City.
To me, you’re almost spherical. I often feel at
home within the steel-sewn wall
of a moving vehicle . . .
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